Spray ice machines VS Flowing water ice machines
Spray ice machine and Flowing water ice machines differ significantly in several ways. First of all, from the operating principle, the spray ice machine makes ice by spraying water on the evaporator, while the flowing water type makes ice by water flowing through the evaporator, and requires continuous water supply. In terms of ice production efficiency, the flow-type ice-making speed is significantly better than the spray-type due to its continuous water supply characteristics. In terms of ice quality, the spray-type ice cubes are thicker and harder; the flow-type ice cubes are thinner and softer. As for energy consumption, the spray type has relatively low energy consumption due to its long ice making cycle; the flow type although ice making is fast, has relatively high energy consumption due to the need for continuous water supply. In short, the choice of which ice machine to make requires comprehensive consideration of factors such as actual needs, ice production efficiency, ice quality, and energy consumption.
The ice cubes produced by the spray ice maker are extremely transparent and very beautiful, especially suitable for bars. The ice cubes melt slowly and taste good.

Keywords: Flowing water ice machines、Spray ice machine、flow-type ice-making、ice cubes、spray ice maker